
If you wish to order massage, it is necessary to make a reservation in advance, at least 3 days prior to the procedure.

Massage bed CERAGEMNEW 

Lounger Ceragem is the result of long work of scientists, doctors and engineers and was brought to market in 1998 in South Korea. It is a perfect combination of Eastern medicine knowledge and advanced technology of the second millennium. Ceragem CGM MB-1101 is an automatic thermomassage chair, which combines a massage technique such as scupressure, moxation, chiropractic procedure, infrahaet and uses the healing power of semiprecious Jadeit.

Price: 240 CZK/ 40 minutes

Classic relaxing massage

Relaxation massage technique relaxing your body and mind. It is suitable not only as a pain relief, but also as an effective and pleasant prevention.

Neck and shoulders: 290 CZK/ 20 minutes

Neck and back: 290 CZK/ 20 minutes

Lower limbs: 320 CZK/ 20 minutes

Aroma massage - partial

Aroma massage, known as well as aromatherapy massage, a relaxing massage combined with a therapeutic effect of essential oils.

Price: 350 CZK/ 20 minutes, 1000 CZK/ 60 minutes, 1400 CZK/ 90 minutes

Reflexive foot massage

Reflexive massage is almost 5000 years old healing method based on the stimulation of reflex points on the soles of your feet.

Price: 290 CZK/ 20 minutes

Reflexive hand massage with aroma oil

Reflexive massage is almost 5000 years old healing method based on the stimulation of reflex points on the soles of your hands.

Cena: 320 Kč/ 20 minut

Bulb massage

It uses pre-heated jars, usually glass, which at cooling develop vacuum on the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Price: 390 CZK/ 20 minutes

Coconut peeling of the whole body

Price: 880 CZK/ 45 minutes

Hot stones massage

Massage with hot lava stones - Hot Stones Therapy. The roots of this massage date back at least 4000 years. Already at that time was known the effect of lava and other precious stones.

Price: 480 CZK/ 20 minutes (partial), 890 CZK/ 50 minutes (full masage)

Relaxing head, face and neck massage 

Price: 300 CZK/ 20 minutes

Honey detoxification massage - partial

Honey massage not only bring you relax after a busy and stressful day, but can also rid of the harmful substances.

Price: 390 CZK/ 20 minut

Chocolate massage

Experience an unforgettable enjoyment after the chocolate massage. This luxury massage will bring you a feeling of total comfort and happiness.

Price: 390 CZK/ 20 minutes (partial), 750 CZK/ 50 minutes (full masage)